It starts off as an offhanded comment, and then continues as silent confessions. Trent wonders what the end looks like.
On the first date of Christmas, an Inazuman gave to thee...
He couldn't understand how he didn't love her and how she didn't love him either.
Just a little drabble moments before the real magic begins. (And by magic I mean the one in the movie)
In tiny virtual pieces, it does. KazeMii, for AnimeLuver59.
A creator gets hold of a weird manufacturer's number, and now her character decides to do some meddling. Dedicated to the ultimate Fubuki Shirou fan, Shiranai Atsune!
A boring Math class, some torn bits of paper, and a new reason to appreciate the Stonehenge. He passes notes because he's too full of pride to be scolded, and she's too loud when she whispers.
Her horrid punctuation and spelling turned him on like spellcheck. That, and she basically got him riled up.