
  • Home

    There was no telling what the future would hold and he knew that they had a lot to discuss, but that could wait, for now he was content that she was home. Annie & Auggie.

  • Closing Time

    "We're closed," she called to whoever it was outside but the knocking persisted. Rose let out an aggravated sigh and headed towards the door to tell whoever it was outside to shove off. She stormed toward the door and whipped it open. "We're cl-" her words died on her tongue as the smirking face of Scorpius Malfoy greeted her. Rose/Scorpius

  • A Friend In Need

    "Rose talk to me." He approached her slowly, squatting down in front of her and brushed a red curl out of her face. Rose/Scorpius

  • There's Something About Rose Weasley

    If there was one thing other then her brains and the unruly bushiness of her hair that Rose had inherited from her mother, it was her stubbornness, there was no way she was going to let her father tell her who she could be friends with. Rose/Scorpius.

  • Hold On To What You Believe

    "Say something." "Are you bloody mental?" He laughed nervously. She lifted his chin so she could meet his eyes... Scorpius/Rose Sequel to Little Lion Man. Please Read and Review.

  • Little Lion Man

    He was the worst Gryffindor ever and to top that off, the worst best friend ever. It was her heart that had been on the line and he had effectively crushed it. Scorpius/Rose. Rated for language.

  • The Dragon's Den

    "You can be rather intimidating. Downright scary at times." He slurred leaning closer to me. "I think it's hot." Scorpius/Rose Strong T rating. R&R.

  • Solitude

    I have never really minded being alone, unattached, self-reliant, which is why I can't figure out why all of the sudden it was bothering me so bloody much. Rose/Scorpius One shot. Please Read and Review.

  • Façade

    He could be a nice guy, really. Rose/Scorpius

  • What Happens in the Library

    She wanted nothing more then to smack that smirk right off of his perfect pale face. Random one shot that just popped into my head. Gotta love plot bunnies. Please Read and Review.

  • Their Time

    "I'm scared." He told her. "Scorp, you can tell me anything. That's what best friends are for." She told him. "You know, I really hate that word." Sequel to Her Rock and His Rose. Part 3 of 3.

  • His Rose

    Sequel to Her Rock. Part 2 of 3 "Do I have something on my face?" He looked at her in confusion, shaking his head. "What is it then?

  • Her Rock

    He was always there. He was her rock, the one person she could always count on, the one person she could always trust. Rose/Scorpius.