Love Of Blood

  • The effects of lossing a love one!

    You wish that by just returning to work that the loss of a love one would go away but for Dr. Spencer Reid, the loss of the love his life Maeve Donovan even work can't help him. In fact work causes more heartache then relief.

  • The love trangle!

    What type of mess has Leo really gotten himself into?

  • Dark childhood memories

    The dark memories that Jane Granger will never ever forget. Not matter how hard she tries.

  • Dr Spencer Reid's family medical history!

    How does Spencer Reid deal with developing schizophrenia? Spencer Reid deals with developing schizophrenia with help from his big brother Derek Morgan!

  • Prologue

    Emma's life is beginning to shatter all thanks to her eating disorder yet she doesn't seem to notice or so you think!

  • Inside the mind of Dr Spencer Reid

    Even Dr. Spencer Reid has his own battles to deal with but the question remands will he allow his friends to come in and help him throughout his battle with Dilaudid or will he keep his guard up and keep those who care about him out?