
  • Fly, Fly Away

    AU. "You were born in the ashes, but you have risen. I was born in the sky and cast down, but I am returning."

  • a thousand years

    She is the dusty girl who longs for the sea. He is the watery boy who longs for the air. AU. One-shot.

  • The Strength Of Others

    His loose gray pants and tunic-shirt thing are no longer clean and crisp, but wrinkled from the long day. She wonders what he'll look like in Dauntless colors, black and something else, maybe red. Yes, he would look good in red. e/e.

  • A Forever of Reaching

    The stories of a boy who wants to set the world on fire and the girl who is thrust into the shadows. A collection of e/e one-shots.

  • Someday We'll Know

    She takes comfort in knowing that his heart will beat for her until it beats no longer. e/e.

  • Feu de Fer

    Two broken souls meet in the deepness of a Maltese night. Ironfire AU. e/e.

  • Scented Rain

    She's married to his business partner, and it's through her husband that they meet... and they keep meeting... until they're involved in a complicated web and neither of them knows the way out. e/e.

  • What Today Reaps

    AU. The world as they know it is thrown into chaos. The earth is revolting, sending disaster after disaster upon the civilized world, crippling the few who survive. A small group of students bands together in hope of rescue. When they are trapped in a dead city that grows deadlier by the minute, how long before hopelessness sets in? e/e & courf/ferre (plus plenty others).

  • He Still Sees Me

    "Why do I keep hoping she'll notice me when she always just looks right over my shoulder?" e/e. One-shot.

  • The Fans And The Fiction

    What do Harry and Draco think of HarryXDraco? What does Hermione have to say on HermioneXSnape? Why do random people keep showing up? Welcome to the Harry Potter fanpage, the battle between fans and the fiction. GUEST STARS, PAIRINGS, AND NARGLES!