
  • The Last Alien

    Amy, Ricky, and Alex are ordinary high school kids starting freshmen year. Amy is involved in a car accident the changed her life and that of some one she accidently hurts along the way. Will she learn to control her new self or will the species spread when she losses control.

  • Mother Ninetails: rewrite

    Rachel is a 6 year old girl who's parents never wanted her. They don't let her go outside and leave her home alone crying every night. But one day Rachel runs away into the forest only to step on one of Grace the Ninetails tail's. But after hearing the child's story Grace decides to make the child her own. Thus begins their many adventures together as a new family.

  • Return

    (read summoned first) 3 years have passed since river left. now he is in collage trying to make it threw life. Then his crystal activates again. He is once again taken to the dragon realms. And with a few new faces things arriving things start to get more fun. But a threat familiar to spyro reappears. Will the dark master rise again. Or an river and his friends stop him in time.

  • Summoned

    After Spyro and Cynder defeated the dark master they vanished. Flame and Ember left to another world to find 4 people with the 4 elements to help find their missing friends. But as they do they also find a new evil arriving. And it wont be any easier to fight then the dark master.

  • For every end their is a beginning

    Erick has just lost his sister becky in a terrible accident. And now he is alone. His parents disappeared years ago and his current family doesn't want anything to do with him. After he is taken to a new world he will encounter many trails. And he might end up with a new life and a new sister!

  • Mortal hero's

    Silvia is a girl with a troubled past. She lost her parent's in an attack on Manhattan and was stuck living with her aunt and two cousins. After living with the flashbacks and reliving the day it happened for years she finally faces her monsters and heads back to New York. Except for this time she is in for an adventure no mortal person has ever taken before.

  • Mother Ninetails: The journey continues

    Here it is. Every ones favorite Vulpix and Nine tail is back. Thats right. Rachel and Grace are continuing there journey to the haven. And this time they encounter a Pokemon tribe that wont be so willing to let Grace pass. At least not with Rachel. And a town full of trainers. Follow them as they try and continue there journey to a safe haven for the both of them.

  • Evans unexpected journey

    Evan Forest was just a 12 year old boy not wanting to do any thing with Pokemon. Every time he went near one they backed away from him. So he just settled for being a normal kid in a world of pokemon. But after one day when he rescue's a Charmander and Pikachu from an attacking Swarm of beedrill his life is thrown into a crazy world of adventure and excitment.

  • Collision

    (Third story to Summoned and Return) River takes Spyro, Cynder, and Flame to his world to check up on his mother. But then are discovered by not only his worlds government but by Malefor's hidden goons. Now they must get back to War fang and finally end Malefor's plan before it is to late And before some one pays the ultimate price.

  • Mother Ninetails

    Rachel is a 6 year old girl who's parents never wanted her. They don't let her go outside and leave her home alone crying every night. But one day Rachel runs away into the forest only to step on one of Grace the Ninetails tail's. But after hearing the child's story Grace decide's to make the child her own. Thous begins their many adventures together as a new family.