
  • Living Spaces

    Set a few months after the finale. Avatar Korra is settling back into life in Republic City when she faces her next challenge: finding a place to live. The Avatar goes apartment hunting. Korrasami, with a lot of Bolin and Korra friendship as well.

  • Endings, as it is known, are where we begin

    Chuck doesn't age. They don't notice at first.

  • Flow

    He was such a fool. Cloud/Aerith.

  • Swords and Scalpels

    Ed/Winry, Medieval AU, drabble. "Cauterize it."

  • Date Night, Interrupted

    Korra gave a horrified gasp. "You asked TENZIN to babysit?" Borra, Masami, semi-companion piece to Spirits Cry. Season One compliant.

  • Reminisce

    "Young Lord!" She blushed. "This- this is not-" She couldn't form a full sentence. "What?" his grin turns cat-like. "I'm cold." He leans forward, and presses the side of his face into her stomach. "And you're warm." LingFan. Set during the manga, before the Maria Ross incident.

  • Home

    Roy didn't know when they went from friends and lovers who lived together to being in a relationship, but he did know the moment when he realized it. Royai, set years after the Promised Day.

  • Til It's Gone

    It's always the simple things that she misses the most.

  • First Date

    Ling/Lan Fan, College AU. "They met in the Martial Arts Club."

  • All Was Well

    Slipping into normal life was surprisingly easy, all things considered. Cloud/Aerith.