
  • Bravery and Submission

    The new Prospect, Juice Ortiz, has everyone in SAMCRO buzzing. But one member is buzzing particularly... Hard about this tan skinned street kid. When shy little Juice's past comes back to bite him in the ass, will his newfound friends step up, or leave his past to chew him alive? TigxJuice AU I don't own Sons of Anarchy or any characters herein and make no money from this writing.

  • Father, Brother, Son… And What Else? (RepostedEditedCombined)

    Eric is learning new things about his maker, Godric has forgotten what it is like to have a friend. Fic chronicling the lives of Eric & Godric. AU EricxGodric slash Mature audiences only. Was previously posted, now adding to this. Chapters with coding have been fixed, my apologies. Review if you enjoyed it, or know of any improvements! I do not own True Blood or characters therein.

  • Bravery and Submission Part 2

    The second part of my AU fic for JuicexTig. The Club has gotten used to the odd duo, and now a new problem has risen. Juice's long lost brother has come to Charming, and for what? A dark Ortiz secret that could destroy Juice forever. JuicexTig, AU, M-Slash I do not own SoA or any content herein. All creative license to Sutter.

  • Secret Sons

    Jax has a secret that must be shared. How will the club react? Spoilers for well... The whole series. Each Chapter is a Season, starting with Season 2 as Chapter 1. Jax/Happy/Tara Disclaimer: I do not own SoA, that is the creative work of Sutter and FX.