

  • The Phoenix in the Abyss

    From upstairs she heard a roar and knew daddy had woken up. Looking at the mess she knew he was going to kill her. Why doesn't Arizona like sandwiches? Why does she cry at authority figures? Warnings for child abuse

  • Attacked

    Arizona is attacked, by someone she knew. Traumatised she has to navigate through more ordeals.

  • Enter the storm

    Sofia comes to visit Seattle, Arizona can tell something is different. Her daughter has changes was it moving away or something more sinister. What happens when she finds out the truth?

  • Mother's Day

    Sofia has 2 mothers, they live thousands of miles apart. Both mothers deserve to celebrate mother's day, but someone is going to miss out.

  • First Dates

    Arizona is dating and its not going well,

  • Trial by fire

    When the apartment is on fire Callie has a choice, Sofia or Arizona? She can't carry them both, who will she pick?

  • I love you

    Callie I love you not Carina, Meredith told us it was rat poison, she is mean, she wanted my phone, but I don't share with mean people. Arizona calls Callie while high,

  • Save her

    Save her Doctor Robbins because if you don't I'm going to put a bullet into Doctor Bailey and every other person on this Peds ward. An alternative to Sweet surrender,

  • The Chasm

    She couldn't get sick now, not when she hadn't seen Sofia for months, not when her ex wife was finally allowing contact. But is all as it seems? Calzona to end, keep the faith they get there in the end.

  • Crash

    Based off the musical episode. Callie is injured Arizona too, will anyone notice, what will Callie say when she wakes up and finds Arizona injured and nobody noticed?

  • When life gets hard

    Quinn's life is hard, it just gets harder until she breaks. Warnings suicide and miscarriage and nice Sue

  • Murder in the night

    When Sam gets a phone call her world falls apart, can she save her niece? Reviews are always welcome.

  • The Frozen Time

    Jack was on watch, he gets bored. How does he wake Daniel up.

  • School

    Harm and Mac meet at school Warnings: abuse, rape, drug and alcohol abuse

  • The performer

    The performer- it never tracked with me that in the time it took JJ to get to this girls house they went to 2 different crime scenes, delivered a profile and arrested Dante (they even said that drive took 30 minutes) but made it there in the time it took JJ to walk in and get knocked out. So I decided to rewrite the ending.

  • The fort

    He stood weighing up his options, the fort stood tall, foreboding as he weighed up his options for getting inside. Weighing up the options he debated between an all-out war on the fort or a quiet infiltration. one shot, please review

  • Mistakes

    One mistake, one day, what happens when Lara messes up please review

  • Darkness rising

    Its been a rough few months, slowly they had watched her die without even knowing. Will JJ make it? Will anyone care? please r/v

  • Price of failure

    Sam is taken on a mission, can she be saved, can she save earth in the process?

  • Family matters

    "That's it baby smile" with a click the photo was taken, the photographer pressed play reviewing the photo, "You weren't looking again" he accused his oblivious target. "You never look, but you will" he decided not for the first time. Warnings: Rape, abuse, domestic violence, kidnapping