Ora Leigh

  • Evil Angel

    "I am everything and nothing at once. I am life and I am death, the hero and the murderer. The one who is cursed in one breath and praised with the next. I am the dark one who brings light to the lost, the corrupt one who offers salvation. You despise me, but without me there would exist a void you could never fill. I am Medea, the Evil Angel, and my reign begins today."

  • Of Samurai and Mary Sues

    The samurai of the Yagyu knew that they were in for a cultural shock when they were sent to Suna during the war. What they weren't counting on was running into the ultimate foe: a Mary Sue. How will they react to their first encounter with one in the shinobi world? Heaven only knows. Mary sue bashing, satire, some swearing. RxR!