

  • The World, Right Side Up

    There are moments when the world turns upside down and you feel like you're barely hanging on. Set during PoA, second person perspective. Lupin's thoughts from when he sees Peter's name and bursts into the Whomping Willow.

  • This Is Your Dream, Moony

    It was bad enough that Sirius was dead, so why did he have to keep turning up in Remus's dreams, to give him advice on things he obviously knew nothing about? Sirius/Remus friendship, RLNT.

  • A Matter of Time

    Sirius had always thought that Remus was the most reasonable man in the world. But his stubborn, ridiculous refusal to accept Tonks's affection seemed to be proving that theory false. All dialogue oneshot.

  • This Time Around

    After Harry asks Remus and Sirius about his father in OotP, the two men have an important conversation about past and present. Marauder friendship, no pairings.

  • Timeline

    They construct a timeline of memories, and Tonks gets a shock. RLNT fluff. AU, but only because I let Remus and Tonks live.

  • Surrender

    She accepted him as he was, and didn't even think twice about loving him. RLNT with slight flashback to Marauding Era. To be considered book compliant, it could take place during HBP, but there are NO spoilers.

  • Dreaming In Pink

    Remus talks in his sleep, Sirius overhears him. SiriusRemus FRIENDSHIP, nonslash, Lupin x Tonks