

  • John Casey's Hardest Mission

    One step in front of the other, the hardest thing he's ever had to do.

  • For The Sake of Comfort

    John and Sherlock make for strange bedfellows, but it's all in the name of a good night sleep. Not quite slash, not quite not slash - very much the way you want to perceive it. Spoilerish up to and including The Empty Hearse.

  • One Fine Day

    She promised him that she'd take him to a major league ball game. In between apocalypses, they find the time to make it happen. Fluffy Ichabbie friendship or more.

  • Death of A Traitor

    WARNING:DH SPOILERS No one mourns the traitor. Ridiculously short. Petercentric.

  • Relatively Young

    CONTAINS DH SPOILERS. “But, honestly, aren’t I just a bit too young for graying hair?” The characters used are Harry, Ginny, and the always adorable Teddy Remus Lupin. Oneshot.

  • Sneaking Out

    Sneaking out in the middle of the night is a tradition as old as Hogwarts itself. Teddy and Victoire, and a late night ride on a broomstick. Teddy/Victoire, and not much else.

  • Active Imaginations

    The New Generation, The Famous Trio, and the rest of the Weasleys are engaged in the fiercest of battles at The Burrow. Oneshot.

  • Somewhere in the Afterlife

    The late Remus and Tonks watch over their son as he buys his school supplies for his first year at Hogwarts. Less emotional than you might think...in fact it's almost fluff/humor...Featured pairings are Remus/Tonks and James/Lily.

  • One Moment of a Million

    In your dreams, you remember just how close Death came to taking you. One of those AU Denial fics, in which Remus and Tonks live, and Teddy isn't an orphan. Extremely fluffy oneshot, second person POV.

  • Brevity on Baker Street

    A series of 221B drabbles of all genres, featuring a lot of John and Sherlock banter, bickering, berating, bemusement, and bromance. With occasional appearances by everyone else. Spanning all seasons, with mostly canon pairings/romantic interests and hints of up-to-your-imagination Johnlock throughout.

  • The Reasons Why

    When his son gets into a fight at school, Neal asks for Peter's help in finding out the reason why. Future-fic centering on family and friendship, with a dash of Neal/Sara.

  • An International Affair

    To Barney, traveling around the world with his hot wife sounds legen—wait for it—dary. Robin agrees.

  • Summer Evening

    When all is said and done, there's always, always a happy ending. Shules and Lassie/Jules friendship primarily, spoilers for the final season and finale.

  • Condolences

    John thinks of what he'll say to the Holmes parents when he meets them for the first time, at their son's funeral, of all places. Post-Reichenbach.

  • Conceding Defeat

    She'd expected him to hold out until the last minute, like he always had before. Marshall/Lily, Barney/Robin. Spoilers for the finale in the author's note but not the story, because it doesn't deserve that much legitimization.

  • Let Go, Hold On

    You breathed life into me, John Watson. It seems only right that you should be the one to help take it away.

  • The Truth In the Lie

    He's standing on the edge and there's a point where it all blurs spectacularly together, the lies and the truth and he's not acting anymore. Not completely. Sherlock during The Fall.

  • Here's To Goodbye

    They've accepted the past and the mistakes and the lingering love, and goodbye is the last thing left to say. Liam, Jinks, a little of the missing scenes from Runaway.

  • Crossing Lines They Drew Themselves

    She invited him over for Valentine's Day and had meant it to be entirely platonic. No, it wasn't her best idea ever.

  • Five Reasons Abbie Thinks They'd Never Work As a Couple

    (And the one reason she knows they will.) More character study-ish than plot driven. Ichabbie.