Triforce Garner

  • Immaculate

    She wanted him to be impeccable. The epitome of perfect. More than anything, though, she wanted him to be free. He thought she was asking too much, but then he realized they had different ideas of just what that was.

  • Another Door Will Open

    It's that time again and boy are the Smash Fighters in for a surprise this go around. The battles are harder, the enemies sneakier, and the drama turned up past eleven. Welcome to the Fourth Cycle. Sequel to 'Pick Your Battles'.

  • What Do We Talk About?

    Axel has gone out on a 'special' mission, one that again does not include Roxas. So, what does he do now? When he goes into the Grey Area to wait on his missions, what can he talk to the others about? Hearts? Yah right...

  • Next to the Road

    They've come home at last. She could smile again. Now, driving down that road to meet them at the river, she'd breathe her final sigh of relief.

  • Starry Night

    When they were kids they'd get into all sorts of trouble together. Who knew one day they'd have to grow out of it?