Jetafray Angel

  • Deathcraft Files

    The behind-the-scenes, one-shot filled, parody filled, song and poem filled, character interviews, and other such things of the story Deathcraft. Ready for a bucket load of randomnes, parody, humor, death, minecraft, and sadistic authors? This is for you! (Discontinued!)

  • Interference

    Jazz notices Danny's overworked and Star notices Robin's obsessed. What more needs to be said? Robin/Danny two-shot.

  • All of Me

    "If you get down on one knee and propose the mainstream way, I will have you try again until you get it right." D/S One-shot.

  • Just Call Me Jack Frost

    Inspired by the comic by ColorSplashArts on DA. Frosted Phantom. Fluff-slash. The teen hadn't proved hostile at all, merely curious, but Danny's ghost sense wouldn't stop pestering him. It was rising again sharply, his every breath coming out in annoying fog, and Danny was half-tempted just to blast the boy far away from him so he could— "You're cute." Wait…what?

  • Phantom Note (One-Shot)

    One look at a 'Daniel Masters' wasn't enough for L to entierly deduce the guy, especially when he had strawberry cake to attend to. Most likely a one-shot.