Gavin Silverblade

  • For Your Protection

    Musicalverse, AU from "Defying Gravity" onwards. Right before Elphaba flees from the Wizard's palace, she makes a decision: a decision that will change her life forever. Rated for later chapters.

  • Into Oblivion

    A short poem detailing what it's like working the night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza told from a second-person POV.

  • Through His Eyes

    Fiyero's experiences just before, during, and after his death. Bookverse. One-shot. Rated just in case.

  • Behind the Mask

    Shiz-era, slight AU. Elphaba suffers through one comment too many, and now she needs Fiyero and Galinda more than ever. Slightly angsty. Fiyeraba, Gelphie friendship. One-shot.

  • Broken

    Post-musical, AU. Fiyero and Elphaba really did die, and now Glinda has to cope with the grief that she feels. Two-shot.