
  • Deeper than the Mirror

    Everyone has lost someone for the freedom of the Wizarding world, but who has more of a right to miss what they've lost? Teddy Lupin one shot.

  • Missed Opportunity

    If he bothered to get to know someone, they would repay him by leaving – or dying. That's what Theodore Nott told himself. But then he got to know Luna Lovegood.

  • Sign of the Lion

    AU BOOK 6 On Harry's sixteenth birthday, things begin to get a little strange. Of course, if you think suddenly gaining new powers, a lionshaped mark appearing on your arm, and having a Dark Lord taking new steps to come after you is normal, well...

  • The Shape of Fear

    Teddy Lupin has his first encounter with a Boggart in DADA. slight preship TeddyVictoire

  • HBP in Verse

    Poetry and rhyme has an attempt at Half Blood Prince...

  • The Fred and George Story

    Fred and George are certainly the most coveted pair of comic relief. Follows snippets of their lives, including the impeding OWL results and battling it out with the Marauders...

  • To Require and Reacquire

    The Room of Requirement can give you anything you need...but can it give you someone back? Harry finds out.

  • Secret Poems

    Harry and Ginny write short poems about their feelings for each other. HP/GW

  • A Night Time Stroll

    Lily Evans takes a walk at night and finds herself in the wake of a werewolf. She is saved by a stag and begins to have feelings for a certain JP...DISCONTINUED

  • Sirius Black and the Waxing Experience

    In Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius was spotted by a Muggle near Hogwarts. He had been in search of a razor, but ended up having a more painful experience.

  • Harry Potter: A New Hope Episode IV

    Imagine Star Wars made instead with Harry Potter characters? This is it! Plagued by Voldemort and "The Shadow", the Order of the Phoenix has more than enough on their hands. DISCONTINUED

  • You Were Never Like This

    Remus Lupin returns to Hogwarts in Harry's 7th year to teach and catches up with the girl he bit at school whilst the full moon was high in the sky. Rating for later chapters. RL/OC DISCONTINUED

  • Harry Scarface Potter

    Harry is home alone at No. 4 Privet Drive and he discovers. . .the Internet and FanFiction.net! He then hatches evil plans to use Uncle Vernon's credit card...

  • Sirius Black, The Prisoner of Azkaban

    Harry's third year at Hoggies through Sirius B.'s eyes. Chapter 2, Seeing Harry is up. A bit of Magnolia Cresent action. Only very slight SB/OC DISCONTINUED

  • Songspoof Countdown

    A bunch of songs spoofed up to met the Harry Potter world!

  • Don't Try This At Home

    Poems about Harry Potter and his world written by twisted author. A couple are spoofs of well known literature.....

  • Past Long Forgotten

    Harry finds a diary belonging to Lily Evans. Read on to follow the adventures of the Marauders at Hogwarts. DISCONTINUED

  • But At Least The Building Is Still Standing

    Harry and the Gang have some problems. Voldie wants to attack Hogwarts and will do anything to succeed. But there is a traitor or two had the school and they are not, who you think they are...DISCONTINUED

  • What You Don't Know CAN Kill You

    Neville Longbottom learns a painful lesson the hard way. Rating for outcome.