

  • We're your parents Teddy

    Dumbledore, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and Tonks all witness a very sad/happy moment while watching the living world

  • The Diary Of Hermione Granger

    Hear about Hermione's life, from ten years old ... all the way up ...

  • The Philosophers Stone and The Potter Twins

    This is nearly exactly the same Harry Potter series we are all familiar with, except my own little twist. Read how the story is with Harry's twin sister; Olivia Potter by his side, the whole way ... what would be different.

  • Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

    The very first order sit down to and read about Lily and James's son Harry Potter. People reading include Molly and Arther Weasley, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Moody, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, Aberforth, Alice and Frank Longbottom. And others ...