
  • Of Blue, of Green

    A collection of oneshots, twoshots, and short stories revolving around Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade and everything in between. They are of varies plots, both AU and Canon, but all mostly random. Individually Rated from K to M. Reviews are welcome!

  • Breakaway: SkywalkerSaga 1

    R&R! SW,TCW AU. After Ahsoka leaves him a year into the War, the Council assigns another padawan to Anakin. Can he get over his loss to train her? Can she heal him and save him from the Dark Side? Can he love again? Read to find out!

  • Forbidden

    My version of Brom and Selena's relationship before Eragon's birth. This is simply a look into how they might've met and everything that happened afterwards leading to Eragon's conception, Morzan's death, etc.

  • Dates With Destiny

    What-If one-shots and short stories mainly involving Anakin, Luke, and...Mara? Just playing around with these three. (Chap 1; Anakin goes on a blind date with a fiery-haired woman by the name of Jade... Yes, Anakin's saved and Luke isn't interested in her... Or is he?) Rated T for safety.

  • G i f t s

    On-going missing shots about Jonas and Kira after the events in the Messenger. Basically my version of their relationship and romance, that we don't know too much about. R&R if you want! Jonas/Kira

  • Got Drunk Last Night

    Frozen twoshot. After Kristoff and Anna have an argument, there's only one way Kristoff can drown his sorrows. R&R! I doubt you'll regret it! Kristoff/Anna

  • How Art Thou, Padme?

    SW oneshot. What happens when teenage Anakin tries to woo Padme. Based off the Balcony Scene for Romeo & Juliet