

  • The Dark Wolf And The Dark Fox

    After the defeat of Peter, Scott is slowly loosing control. Soon everyone will found out what being the True Alpha actually means. On top of that there's a new powerful monster in town and they must turn to two of their most deadliest enemies for help. Its not who you think... "It amazes me, how someone with so much kindness, so full of light, can have something so dark inside"

  • Wolfen Heart

    Werewolves Lycanthrope Children of the moon. They have many names. Vampires almost wiped them from existence 100 years ago. Now their numbers are on the rise, even so, I never thought I'd ever meet a true werewolf... Let alone imprint on one...

  • Understanding

    One Shot. Why Isaac chose Scott. There aren't many stories that look into Dereks reaction at Isaac going to Scotts pack. I thought it would be even more interesting if Derek was still Alpha and the story line was around Season 2. Though season 3 will be mentioned and Scott is an Alpha to. Please Review?

  • Memories, Even Bittersweet Ones, Are Better Than Nothing

    The stranger has no memory of his life, or his name or even what species he is. How will he cope in this new world of humans? Where Angels are little more than pets or slaves? Was he sent to earth for a purpose? Or is his life just one big mistake? After all, the only think he remembers or knows from his previous life is...His meant to be dead.

  • Past, Present And Future

    Characters from season 1 Attack on Titan, all suddenly disappear and reappear in a small room in front of a device called a television. Being told this is where they can watch their lives unfold and help change it for the better. Now we all know what we think but what will the characters themselves think of season 1 Attack On Titan? And what comes to light?

  • Freedoms Cost

    The world is in ruins. Humanity fighting extinction but not from Titans... Vampires roam this world. Levi is thrown into the supernatural world...By a bite.

  • Freedoms Cost (Captain Levi)

    The world is in ruins. Humanity fighting extinction but not from Titans... Vampires roam this world. Levi is thrown into the supernatural world...by a bite

  • A World Not My Own

    Marco thought he had died at the Battle of Trost, though he awakes in a world not his own. Where some friends have become foe. Others completely changed from who they used to be. How will Marco react to the future? And more importantly how will the future react to him?

  • Familiar Strangers

    A month from the defeat of the Titans. Battle worn, wary and finding it hard to settle down into a peaceful life, Levi's squad are dragged into another time. Where humanity has not yet defeated the Titans. Where people that have died are still alive. Where Levi's original squad is still alive. Where they meet their past selves. Where everything is not as it seems..

  • His Bloody Footsteps

    Jean Kirstien gets a nasty shock when he realises his little sister has joined the Scouts and wants to join Levi's Squad. Adela's dream is to follow in her brothers footsteps but she does not know that his footsteps are now covered in blood and destruction. "It'll Tear You Apart Adela, Following Him...Inside And Out, And I'm Not Talking About The Titans Here"

  • Familiar Strangers (there are two stories of this)

    (Manga spoilers) A month from the defeat of the Titans. Battle worn, wary and finding it hard to settle down into a peaceful life, Levi's squad are dragged into another time. Where humanity has not yet defeated the Titans. Where people that have died are still alive. Where Levi's original squad is still alive. Where everything is not as it seems.

  • Did You Know I Had Siblings?

    My basic thoughts on Eren's break down in chapter 66. And Connie's being a great character with all the shit his been through. In form of a one shot story of Connie showing Eren the light.

  • Connie's Desperate Measure

    Connie saves Sasha but at an earth shattering cost.

  • Friend or Foe?

    Emily Jinn is a trainee of the 104 squad. Her dream is to become part of Levi's squad like her uncle, Eld Jinn However in Emily's first real battle in the struggle for Trost she was one of the first causalities, put in a coma. Emily wakes up in a world not her own. Where everything she thought she knew has changed. Where it is the hardest to understand who is Friend or Foe.

  • The Worst Hunter Ever

    Tabitha moved to Beacon Hills with her family. They were like any other family apart from one thing...They were legendary werewolf hunters. But She was the worst hunter ever. No matter how much she tried to make her family proud of her she failed almost every hunter test. Though one day she gets a chance to change this. To change everything

  • Killing Sherlock?

    Kirk decides the only way to stop Khan from killing all those people is to go back in time and kill him before he gets turned into an Augment. Khan will be human, it'll be easy to kill a normal human right? However Khans past self is far from normal. What will happen when they find themselves against the legendary Sherlock Homes?

  • Monsters Aren't Born, They Are Made

    Khan never used to be evil, He never used to want to see lights fade from peoples eyes as he killed them. He never used to want to fight or kill, it was something he had to do for survival and that was it...This is how everything changed... Khans Past...

  • The Darkness Inside

    Vlads illness is getting worse and Dracula Count believes he knows how to cure Vlad... But what if this has fearful consequences? Because of Dracula's cure Vlad is unable to fight his bloodthirsty, darker personality, will his darkness inside consume him? Dark Fanfic

  • The Dragon Within

    For Two long years middle earth has been at piece, the last dragon on middle earth has been slain, Smaug...Or has he? What happens when word gets out Smaug is still alive? A new quest must be made to destroy Smaug once of all before he kills again but where is he? And what does Ben, a young man with no memory of who he was two years ago have to do with Smaugs disappearance?

  • You And Me?

    Khan wakes up and runs through a portal in effort to escape Star Fleet and it turns out the portal is an time traveling portal and Khan is transported to 2013. Kirk and some of his crew in go after him, what happens when they meet Sherlock Homes? And why is Khan so interested in Sherlock?