Despaired Author

  • Tainted

    Pools of blood were splattered everywhere down there. Girls screaming, guys trying to fight back but to no avail, blood, blood, blood. Death. This reanimation process Armin was talking about proving to be true... No, this is horrible. This cannot be happening! This should be impossible! (Zombie AU, Ships TBA, some parts inspired be "The Walking Dead")

  • Tiny Blade

    Armin's actions for if Mikasa never suspected him with the blade in his hands. Set during the Battle of Trost. Rated T for Major Character Death... My first SnK/AoT fanfiction

  • Wolfram's Heart

    Sequel to Wolfram's Happy Ending, prequel to The Diary of Wolfram. "Does your heart really want this? Are you content with this?" Yes, he was, but he just shrugged his shoulders. "Can you please stop doing this? I don't want to see you so unhappy like this. So please, stop! Stop for me if you must! Stop trying to kill yourself!"

  • The Eremin Signal

    Up in the sky a beam of light shines the way the Bat Signal from Batman does, only the light does not shine the Bat Signal... Based on an Eremin quote I found on Tumblr. Yaoi and Yuri included. Rated M for the ending.

  • Fetish

    Eren is surprisingly turned on by spoons. PWP. Eren x Spoons (Don't judge me)

  • Goodnight

    A series of unrelated "goodnight fics", which revolve around SnK characters during the nighttime. Filled with many AUs and possible OOCness. PM if you want to request something. NIGHT 5: Armin's Endurance Levels- 97%, Eren's Endurance Levels- 3% ... No wonder Armin tops (Seme!ArminxUke!Eren, PWP, NP, CBT, Anal, Oral)

  • Twisted Fate

    The two of them fought, and one ran away. The other set out to search for him. As the rain pours down, the runaway finds himself back down the road where the carriages would mainly enter Paris. Their fates are sealed, and the fate one shall meet is beyond twisted. Yaoi. Character Death. No like, no read.

  • Sanguine Affections, Bloodied Obsessions

    Dragging his axe across the floor, Armin looked forward with the glint of death and insanity in his eyes. They would pay for stealing what was his, he was sure of it. He would never forgive them. He would never forgive anyone who stole what rightfully belonged to him and him only. No one, and he meant no one, is allowed to take away his Eren. (art not mine, edit is mine)