
  • Shogun Chef

    Rather than being the first shogun of Edo Japan, Toguawa Ieyasu has something different in mind for his life.

  • Lolu week 2014 Day 1

    Okay here's my oneshot submission for Lolu week. Day 1: Tinkle Twinkle Little Star.

  • How it Should Have Been Written: Arthur's Big Hit

    So I assume many of you have heard of the infamous episode, Arthur's Big Hit. I am aware that someone else did a rewrite as well, but here's my take on it. Here's how I feel it should have been written. I managed to take out some parts and add some in to make it a bit better in my opinion. Tell me what you think.

  • Layla

    AU: Loke and Lucy are currently dating, and everything is going smooth and slow. One day, a little kid came from the sky and claimed to be their daughter from the future. Can Lucy and Loke really keep her secret safe from everyone? More importantly can she still be safe in this time and not wreck the future?

  • Taming the Lioness

    AU: Before Loke and Lucy started dating, things were quite rocky before their relationship. In fact, Lucy didn't even want to be bothered with the lion spirit. But what happens when a turn of events makes her think more about her lion spirit? *Prequel to Layla*

  • Beauty and the Celestial Beast

    Once Upon a time, a young prince's act of arrogance cursed him to live in the body of a beast, and affected all of his servants as well. The only way to break the curse is for him to learn to love and earn it. But what happens when a young beautiful girl from the nearby village finds him, will he really learn to love? And can she love him in return before it's too late?

  • Lolu week 2014 Day 2

    Sorry for being a little late. Here's day 2: Guns and Roses. If you want to participate go ahead, the whole week thing is on Tumblr.

  • Fairy Tail FanFiction Writing for Dummies

    Hi, this guide will answer any questions you may have about fan fiction writing along with any tricks or tips you may want or seek when writing your fan fictions. Got any, suggestions or questions? Leave it in the comment section.