
  • Surcease of Sorrow

    In the throes of grief, what lengths would someone go to save their dearest friend? When a beloved's life hangs in the balance, what would it take to cut the thread? (SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 11: THE MAGICAL PLACE)

  • The Hour of the Wolf

    "Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor splashed down just off the coast of Miami, nearly devoured the city?" "No..." "Precisely. Because we kept it quiet and contained." Sometimes, the only thing harder to face than a catastrophe is the knowledge of how close you came to one...

  • The Punk Rock Paladin

    Raising a boy as a single mother is hard enough. Keeping said boy out of trouble when he's got an iron-clad sense of honor, a hair-trigger temper and less common sense than the average goose is damned near impossible. Julie Coulson, for one, blamed Steve Rogers.

  • Freaky Friggjar-Dagr

    A bi-coastal relationship is not an easy thing to maintain. It tends to result in lots of pining, extremely high phone bills, and a burning need to make the most of any time that the principals are, in fact, in the same city. And most of the time, that's not an issue. But Phil Coulson tends to be in the line of fire a lot more often than he should be...

  • Mary Sue Lives On

    Phil finds out a deep, dark and dire secret about his beloved Cellist.