
  • To Get To You

    When the stress became of being teenaged parents and college students too much for Lucas and Brooke, Karen offered to take care of their daughter during the week and they'll have her back on weekends till after graduation. Now graduation is over with and they want their daughter back, how will Karen react? COMPLETE!

  • Cleaning This Gun

    Lydia was asked out on her first date, how will Nathan handle his baby girl growing up? One-Shot.

  • Everything Is Blurry

    Everything in the past week was a blurry mess. All she knew was her marriage was ruined, she was embarrassed and her life was a mess. Chad/Sophia.

  • Baby, Come On With It

    Brooke and Lucas have been dating since junior year of high school. Eight years, one kid and one on the way and yet Lucas still has yet to pop the question and Brooke's becoming more and more impatient with him. ONE-SHOT!

  • Hate Me Today, Hate Me Tomorrow

    "Brooke, baby come on. Don't be like this." Lucas didn't want to choose. He wanted the best of both worlds, which is the access to both girls he loves and both his daughters. "Hate me today, hate me tomorrow Brooke I will still love you." BRUCAS ONESHOT!

  • When She Says Baby

    The first time Brooke said Baby, they ended up with a dog. Brooke said it over the years to get what she wanted, two more brothers for her already two sons. Now she was on another mission, to get herself a daughter. Would saying Baby have its charm this time on Lucas? Brucas One-Shot

  • Marry That Girl

    Lucas finally gathered the nerves to ask Ted Davis permission to marry his daughter. What happens when it goes south? ONE-SHOT!

  • Wonderful Tonight

    Having four kids have put Lucas' and Brooke's date nights on the back burner to 1 night a month. And then she asks me, "Do I look alright?" And I say, "Yes, you look wonderful tonight". Brucas. One shot.

  • I'm Used Up

    After starting the adoption process, Brooke's world starts to collapse. Her husband leaves her for someone else and her foster daughter is taken away. What happened when a blond haired boy waltzes into her world? COMPLETE!

  • Every Breath You Take

    Nathan promised her he'd be there for them, look out for them and protect them. He promised the day he took that vow twenty years ago. Now nine years later he's not there. She's there alone with them. Brathan.

  • Girl, I Got To See You Tonight

    It's been a month since Jay went undercover, leaving Erin to take care of their two boys while being pregnant. But she's in for a surprise when he shows up just when she needed him the most. Two-Parter, for now.

  • Only When I Walked Away

    I didn't tell my family the truth for a long time. The truth that I knew about the child, the child that was mine and I had no clue who they are exactly. All I know is that somewhere out their, with her, is someone who is fifty percent me.

  • Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

    Four teenagers, one after the other in ages. Hormones, fights, Mamma's Boy antics and two parents who never would have thought it would get this bad. Brucas. ONE-SHOT

  • The Party Came Looking For Me

    A simple excuse for her actions tonight. That's all it was. Brooke and Lucas left their daughter to babysit for the night and came home to a party. In the words of Samantha Davis-Scott, "the party came looking for me". ONE-SHOT

  • I Still Get Jealous

    After eighteen-years of being together, he still can't help but feel jealous when other men look at his wife. A Valentines Day disaster is what occurs when you add four kids into the mix.

  • Night I'll Never Forget

    How exactly did they end up with baby number seven? A date night, no money, a fight and some making up. Prequel to Morning I'll Never Forget.

  • Sugar, We're Going Down Swinging

    Julian is about to lose his job after the company he works for is combining with another. His boss, Lucas, always flirted with his wife, Brooke. What happens when Julian pushes Brooke to sleep with Lucas to keep his job? Does sparks fly between the two or does Julian push her for more?

  • Morning I'll Never Forget

    She doesn't respond, just stares at me with a death glare that I just laugh at. "You, this is your fault." She had her finger pointed at me, hair sticking to her sweaty forehead and a look of hatred on her face. All I know is I'm in deep shit. Brucas. One-Shot

  • Cupid's Got A Shotgun

    Single mother with six kids whose ex-husband is her best friend. Yeah, cause that's exactly would sound great on a dating website.

  • Like Clockwork

    It was like clockwork. Every Friday for the past couple of months they'd find themselves doing the same exact thing. Brucas. ONE-SHOT