
  • Prophecy: Marauders Again

    Poem. An alternate prophecy for the end of PoA, focussing on the dynamics of the Marauders.

  • Destiny, No Thanks

    Poem. Harry knows that being the Chosen One isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are a few key side-effects people tend to forget about...

  • Go to the Source

    Song. The epic of F'nor's flight to the Red Star.

  • Masks and Actors

    Poem. Kote reflects on the nature of masks.

  • Seeing Too Clearly

    Anthology: Drabbles. There is a madness that comes when our illusions are stripped away. When we see ourselves as others do, and see others as they see themselves. Too much truth can be dangerous; beware of seeing too clearly. (Ongoing)

  • Brotherhood

    Ron uncovers some unsettling information while getting to know his new room-mates. How can he be normal when he is the odd one out? Rewritten as Redefining Normal.

  • Mirror Image

    Remember: Mirrors show an opposite image only because they reflect an identical reality. Two boys discover they have more in common than they thought.

  • So You Say

    Poem. After the Triwizard Tournament, Harry tries to warn everyone about Voldemort's return but they refuse to believe him. After all, it's just words, and what he says sounds impossible.

  • Advice for Surviving

    Poem. Harry's life has more pain than he deserves, but the previous generation has plenty of experience to share. Here is how they coped.

  • Family

    Drabble. Andromeda: Dark family, Light-aligned. Slytherin, Muggle-born's wife. She has always straddled the lines of the war, but what does she feel when it all comes to a head in the Final Battle? When those she loves are fighting on both sides?

  • An Essay on Friendship

    Remus Lupin doesn't usually let his transformations distract him from the rest of his school life. But when he does, his friends are there to pick up the slack.

  • The Many Faces of Fanfic Harry

    Poem. After reading a lot of fanfiction, you start to realise that certain tropes and interpretations keep popping up. Harry, as the canon main character is most often subject to this. The below is a list of some of the more obvious ones I've noticed.

  • Alpha Leonis

    Regulus was not like Sirius. He was the good son, following his family's expectations. But then he discovers the Dark Lord's secret, and he wakes up. Now it is his turn to choose: what is easy, or what is right?

  • Freak Powers

    Dudley's birthday is always a special day, but this year it has just gone from bad to worse. First there was the missing present, then there was the snake. Now there is a strange woman, with a strange letter, and a claim that threatens to turn the life he has known inside out.

  • Deepest Fear

    Anthology. Facing the boggart in Lupin's class was only step one. Now the trio need to work out the true fear behind its form. Elsewhere, others are faced with the same question. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Remus, George, Draco, Ginny, Severus. (Ongoing)

  • To Sort Slytherin

    "Forgive me, Hogwarts. There are but two ways I can share my voice, and they will not heed my songs. This divide has gone on too long."

  • See Yourself

    Severus Snape is one of his student's boggart. Severus Snape doesn't care. Severus Snape discovers other people do care, very much. Severus Snape needs to know what it's like. Severus Snape needs a change of perspective

  • Fantastic Beasts and How to Hide Them

    "This article is intended as a commentary and companion to Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them', annotating a selection of the entries contained therein. Personal experience has shown me that amateurs attempting to work with such creatures are often lacking in common sense and require more specific instructions." As written by Harry Potter.

  • The Paradox of Peter Pettigrew

    Anthology: Oneshots/Drabbles/Poems. This is a collection of pieces exploring the character of Peter Pettigrew and his relationship with the other Marauders. What drove him to turn from being the trusted brother-marauder to a traitor and Death Eater. (Ongoing) Ch 4: The Voice of Reason

  • Dare to Drarry

    "I dare you to kiss the next person to walk into the room!" Returning to Hogwarts for their 8th year was supposed to be a return to familiarity, instead they found the old patterns broken. Time to stop pretending.