• Ways to see a Pencil

    Greg sat there, and stared at his pencil. He imagined what it could do - what it has already done. Have you ever really thought about your pencil? Well this fan made poem based off of another authors poem. The poem design comes from another/artist, and I only own the words I spoke!

  • Gone Forever Ode To Mishka

    This is a poem that I wrote in my spare time. I don't own the original ode to... Whatever... But I do own this version. What happened to all of the real animals on the pokemon world? Did they die? Where did they go? Short... REALLY short... One shot.

  • If Poem

    I don't own the original if poem! I just made this one up for a school project! Ok... So, want to know how to be a writer? Just read, and understand!

  • Didactic Math

    Well, I wrote a diadactic poem about learning math. I don't own the original didactic poem, but I own this one!

  • Yu-Gi-Oh & Yu-Gi-Oh GX 333 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Walmart

    What happens when the characters from Yu-Gi-Oh and Yu-Gi-Oh GX come together to do the 333 Ways? The characters from Yu-Gi-Oh and Yu-Gi-Oh GX race to see who can complete the list first. What will happen next? Rated T for future violence.

  • New Information

    Gardner goes to Blue and tells her some important news. This short story is part of the Story Base Contest, in which people submit as many mini stories as they can. This is meant for your use, so you will have a base of a story to use. Just click on this story and see what I mean!