
  • Homecoming: S2

    Follow up to Awakening: S2 - Set 3 months after S1 Bo finds herself attempting to become who she is meant to be-whoever that is, only issue is there seems to be a new problem everywhere she turns. With Lauren's Freedom in question, an unknown foe afoot, and a new ash she finds things quickly spinning out of control. - will be incorporating the original WHF1 - mostly new content

  • Awakening: S1

    Alright folks, here goes nothing… What we have here is something I have been toying with for a while – an original start to my WHF Series, a half-AU endeavor. Call it a Prequel if you care to. While originally the story was started right after the end of season 2 and built on to become its own entity, I've come to toy with a bit of originality with our favorite ..(See AN)

  • Unwritten

    A story about destinies entwined, moving on and realizing who you really are. It's been 20 years since the family started their new beginning, but happy endings never last, or do they? What challenges are waiting in the wings for BoLo and the gang? Takes place within the "Last Stand Universe"

  • All Of Me

    (...staring back at me like a window to my fractured soul, staring back at me like a mirror-then again, what are mirrors if not windows into the soul...) A little Bo reflection piece.

  • Ahead Of Our Time

    Set 7 months after Season 4's finale, after the gang managed to bring Kenzi back. Bo and Lauren get a very unusual visitor who will give their night an unexpected turn. One-Shot told from Bo's POV, Co-Written by myself and InevitablyWicked19.

  • Once A Year

    A Christmas Onzie, Lauren's POV, Takes place anytime really after S5-EP3. Happy Holidays to all.

  • Broken Pieces

    Things are never black and white in love and war, they're even sketchier between justice and revenge. AU Fic, told in POV COMPLETE

  • Back To Life

    Lies, love and complication are always a given with these two but what happens when you throw in corruption, family issues, ghosts of tragic pasts and a serial killer? All human and told in POV.

  • Let Her Go

    Told from Bo's POV, just a simple one shot.

  • Fingerprints

    Told from Bo's POV sometimes in the future, a letter from Lauren and a slight walk down memory lane. Short One Shot.

  • Coming Out Of The Dark

    There more to Lauren's past than Bo knows-there is more to her past than even she knows. Three months after 4x13. Written as a prompt from LostGirlz. Rating M.

  • Say Something

    Takes place after 3x09 and just before 3x10. Prompt by Inevitable1 told from Lauren's POV,