
  • Stars in the Dark Arts

    (Crosspost AO3) Wei Ying has succumbed to the dark side and the only hope remaining in Lan Zhan to bring him back is in himself. (Just a random idea that had expanded into a fanfic).

  • The Other Side Of The Bar

    (Crosspost with AO3) Some bits of the story of Portia but from the point of view of everyone but the Builder, and mostly from the staff of the Round Table. Because we never know all the stories that can be told unless we're here to hear them. And because we need to know the source of all Django's stories, right?… (Excuse the grammar mistakes, English is not my main)

  • Franchir la ligne

    One Shot. Irie est capable de tout pour ne pas trahir son meilleur ami.

  • 67 pourcent

    One-shot. Irie doit configurer quelque chose pour son boss mais quelque chose ne marche pas et reste bloqué. (en réponse au thème 67pourcent du défis des 100 thèmes)