Cobek Arabellum

  • Benevolent Hate

    Naruto is a angry being. His early life that of torment even with being raised by Mikoto and Itachi. After the failure in the Academy exam he learns a lot more then jutsu. Smart, Dark, Bloodline Naruto. Pairing will be Naruto-Fem Zabuza and eventually Mikoto(more likely then not)

  • Dawn of Nightmarish Ice and Fire

    An accident leads to the release of a power not meant to ever see the light of day again. What happens when the Assault on Arkham becomes much worse then just a failed break in? NarutoxKiller Frost aka Louise Lincoln. This story's idea and start are greatly influenced by Ifritfireking. If not for him this story would not exist.

  • A Tell of Time

    Naruto. A being from a world that existed outside of space and time. Created before Creation, he began before beginning. The world has unfolded before him as he waded through the time of man's progress. Now after centuries of absence why has he appeared at the seeming end of Metropolis during General Zod's attack? Naruto/Killer Frost God!Naruto-Moral Confliction (No more Faora sry)

  • Loss of Life and Love

    Just a simple one shot to work on my writing skill. This was inspired from The Hobbit- Battle of the Five Armies. A larger summary is inside. Please review or Pm with criticism. As this is a story for improvement don't flame, go to my other stories for that. Enjoy.

  • Beyond A Single World

    Adventure, in the Great Age of the Pirates everyone is after the One Piece in the ultimate adventure, but sometimes the true treasure isn't even gold but those closest to you. Continues from Story Beyond Thoughts and Emotions. Pairing is strictly Luffy/Naruto x Boa Hancock. Maybe Zoro x Robin later on.

  • Because Of A Letter

    What if Harry Potter wasn't his name? What if Voldemort did die? What if Hogwarts was just a school to learn at with no weird stuff-except magic. Essentially a fic were HP lives the life of a growing teen. Holden(Harry)/Daphne