No I'm Sirius

  • The Reluctant Lycanthrope

    Remus and Lily dated but due to the war they had to throw off suspicion and went to James. The three had come up with a plan to keep Harry a secret when Lily discovered her pregnancy. Years later Harry not only has to deal with a mass murderer after him, but now he finds out he is not Potter after all. Will he let Remus be a part of his life after all this time or push him away?

  • Midnight Hour

    When Harry's announced as the fourth champion he doesn't think things can get much worse. The stress of all that has been piled on top of him crushes him under its weight. Things change when he escapes to the Astronomy Tower and meets two beings claiming to be his godly parents. Will the training and support from the other demigods help him face the tournament and Voldemort?

  • From the Ashes

    When Harry dies at the Battle of Hogwarts and the world descends into chaos the fates will do anything to right the balance. Even if it means bringing the dead back to the life they should have led. It's up to the Potter family to restore the balance of the world or everyone will be doomed under Voldemort's rule. James/Lily and eventual Harry/Luna.

  • In Fate's Hands

    Harry Potter has lost his wife due to an illness that she had been battling but had eventually succumbed to it. He now has to take care of his four children on his own and if that wasn't enough he is living in the past during the First War with Voldemort. Can he keep his family safe while trying to help out with the war effort?

  • The Reluctant Lycanthrope

    Remus and Lily had dated although due to the war they had to throw off suspicion and went to James. The three had come up with a plan to keep Harry a secret when Lily discovered her pregnancy. Now Harry not only has to deal with a mass murderer after him, but he finds out he is not a Potter after all. Will he let Remus be a part of his life or push him away? Werewolf!Harry

  • Harry Potter and the Cupboard Baby

    When the Dursleys give birth to a young wizard they thrust the responsibility of raising him onto sixteen-year-old Harry Potter. Sixth Year AU.

  • When Perfection Takes Form

    A lot of secrets are to be revealed. Truth will come out and the Order of the World will be reinstated. Now that he came into his inheritance, Harry will no longer be the victim of manipulation. He is now his own man. Well... better say his own Vampire. SLASH! MATURE! VIOLENCE! Adopted from yukikoneko1990.

  • Tampering with Time is Risky Business

    Draco deeply regrets taking the Mark. He's terrified of failure and he can't fix the vanishing cabinet. Then he stumbles across a box that holds the secret to time travel. He goes back to 1st year to try and save his family and earns a loyal friend. Adopted from Athey.

  • From the Ashes

    When Harry dies at the Battle of Hogwarts and the world descends into chaos the fates will do anything to right the balance even if it's bringing the dead back to the life they should have led. James and Lily are given the task to restore the balance no matter the consequences.