
  • Fire Reborn

    Creatures of old which have long since been forgotten are returning and wreaking havoc on the land they had once inhabited. But why? It looks like Middle Earth is in need of another hero. There are three possible saviors: one has been kept hidden from the world, another's heart yearns for adventure, and the third just wishes her sister would stop getting into trouble. Review please

  • You Can't Sue Me, I Have A Hippo

    Brooklyn-Skyler Badriyah and her friend, Jessica-Heather Grey seem to have fallen (well, been pushed by Sky's brother) into Middle Earth. But one of them has been turned into a Mary-Sue! This is going to get interesting... (10th and 11th walkers, Legomances, betrayals, friendships and much, much more. Oh, yeah, there's also a hippo. Please review!)

  • Bathed in Starlight, Wreathed in Flame

    She fell from the sky, she fell very far, and Kansas, she says, is NOT the name of the star. For once. Then how and why did she get to Middle Earth, wreathed in flame, nameless, wrapped only in the broken chains which bound her? Review, please!

  • Love in the Shadows

    I was dying, I knew I was. I vowed I'd kill him for making me suffer. I was choking on my own blood, stuggling to breathe. But then they came. They gave me a second chance. Love can turn to hate very quickly. Time is on neither side, for it reveals secrets, but may heal hearts. Though, it may take more than time to heal my scars. (Review please!)

  • Wolf Moon

    Artemis thought she was normal. She had believed a lie her whole life. It all started when she reached in to retrieve her boots... Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns the Harry Potter books. I only own Ty. Review, please!