
  • Forgotten Birthday

    The door shut behind him as soon as he was fully in, and the lights flashed on, blinding the ginger momentarily. His ears rang as a loud "Surprise!" was yelled at him, the word echoing somewhat in the open space. (Birthday One-Shot. Minor KageHina hinting)

  • Shorter

    Nishinoya was shorter than him, but the tingle of his touch never ceased to make Hinata's skin get goose bumps. (One-shot for Sky Veneziano. NishiHina Hinting)

  • Dorks

    A collection of drabbles centered around the dorks of Haikyuu! (Currently taking Drabble Suggestions. Drabble Seven: "Watching")

  • Stuffed Animal

    (For ToraTsuin) Kageyama's cheeks burned, the feeling uncomfortable but not unwelcomed. The corners of his mouth twitched, and his face felt stretched as a smile over took him. (One-shot. KageHina implied)

  • The Other Half

    (Soul Eater AU) 'Then he passes Hinata. Hinata's brown eyes are glued to his glossy, straight black hair, his muscular back, and the red cape fluttering behind. Time stands still, and Hinata's gaze meets dark, dark blue eyes, glaring at him, almost testing him.' They're not friends, but maybe they can be partners. (On-Going. Eventual KageHina)

  • I Lived

    (Attack on Titan AU) Kageyama's dark blue eyes watched him, watched as his eyelids began to flutter shut, as his eyes became dark as night and unrecognizable to the usual honey-brown that they were supposed to be. (One-Shot. KageHina Hinting)

  • A Promise to Last

    (For KageHina Week) Even when they pulled apart for air, the grin hadn't fallen off of the Middle Blocker's face. "A promise, huh," he teased, slipping his small hands from around his boyfriend's shoulders to push lightly on the setter's chest. (One-Shot. KageHina)

  • King's 'New' Nickname?

    (For KageHina week) He had left an extra twenty minutes earlier than he usually did for morning practice. But even with those extra twenty minutes, his mind had not come up with one idea for a nickname. (One-shot. KageHina Hinting)

  • Falling

    Panic wells up in his heart, but the winds whisper, "fall" soothingly, and for a second he really considers letting go. His dark eyes close, and his pale face relaxes as his body falls forward. (Drabble One-shot. Set during "The House of Hades")

  • The Baby Predicament

    ( AU) Giotto looked over at the Hitman at the couch, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. And the baby in his arms had a look of expectation. Reborn sighed as his predicament unfolded. He was trapped. How unfortunate. (One-shot for Tsulover27)

  • Ridiculous

    Yet here he was, barging into his Boss's, his ex-student's room. Here he was, at home when he was supposed to be on a mission. A very important mission at that matter. And it was all because Yamamoto had informed him that the Boss of Vongola, Tsunayoshi Sawada, was down with the flu. (One-Shot for Pinkiedoll. Minor R27 fluff Hinting)