
  • Punishment

    Emily was actually pregnant, not that she knew that, she just knew something didn't feel right. What Happens when Daniel wakes up from his little dream world where Emily's the monster and realizes what he's done? And who will Emily turn to when she's lost herself? Will Aiden be able to handle it all? Will Nolan be able to save her? Will any of them even survive all this chaos?

  • Never Forget

    It all started with a case gone wrong decades before Bo and the others. It was meant to be simple but is anything ever simple? Dyson found something he never wanted, a girl, a girl so broken and wonderful she managed to burrow deep into his heart. He never forgot her, she taught him to care again and he taught her she was more than a monster. DysonxOC, KenzixOC-Eventual Freiendship

  • The Freaky Family

    What is normal? Normal, is in the eye of the beholder, it's what makes you happy, it's not the same for everyone. Me? I have a kind of a ...unusual family, but still it works, I'm happy... then the freak show came to town and the funny thing is, I was scared, terrified... I've never met anyone like me before. What would it mean for us? For my messed up little Family?

  • The Cruel Trick Of Life

    The first time I met Harry Osborn I had no idea who he was. No seriously, some stuff was going on, yeah anyway I didn't know OK! But there's a lot I didn't know, I didn't know people like us could be friends, that some trust fund baby could matter so much. He wasn't meant to matter. He's Dying and it matter's, I hate him for that. I fucking hate him... I wish hated him. TASM2 Verse

  • He Wasn't Born Broken

    I think we can all agree that Jim Moriarty is a very broken man, but how did he get that way, how does a little boy grow up to be a monster?... well here's my take on how.

  • Fractured

    They were just three little kids. Best friends, who had always known the darkest corners of the other but then they started keeping secrets. Isaac was a werewolf, Sam was getting worse by the day and Spencer was just trying to not fall apart, trying to help his friend and protect his sister. So what's next? How far are they willing to go to for each other... maybe to far.

  • Broken, We Collide

    She was bubbly and bright, but just as broken as him, not that they knew that. She was just girl, a silly little girl who made the mistake of smiling at the doe eyed boy down the street... if only they'd known then what damage a smile could do. Starts off mid-season 1, could become M, not sure yet.

  • Made To Be Monster's

    I'd come to accept my life as a Patient and a Killer, I was fine with it, it'd been my life for to long not to be, but it was all ruined the day he came; with his bushy eyebrows, sexy glasses, soul swallowing eyes and utter understanding and acceptance. He changed everything, he changed me...made me his without trying, or maybe he was, but no one was going to take him away from me.

  • Birds of a Feather Flock Together

    I remember the first time I ever laid eyes on James Moriarty; he looked at me, no not at me, into me… he was my brothers best friend, only friend, that shocked me at first because us Moran's don't have friend's. We have each other, but Jim marched into our lives with a map to hell and we followed him into the darkness, hand in hand. rating pending

  • The Journal

    Remember what Dumbeldore said? If a monster existed, it was buried deep within... so who unleashed it? who unleashed the monster? they do say that behind every great man is a great woman and this is their story of the girl who built the lord Rating pending, future M

  • Two Sides Of A Coin

    A letter sent back to change one choice, twin girls with a horrific secret, a dark hearted boy finding a new obsession! nothing is ever as it seems, and some were just born...wrong! TomxOC no fluff, will get dark and become M

  • Slytherin Eyes, Griffendor Heart

    starts at Oder of the Phoenix - A young witch has her mission from both sides, save harry or ruin harry! she must chose between her family my blood or family by heart! but when she meets a blond Slytherin her choise just gets much harder! PLZ R&R 4 MORE!