
  • The Pasta Mafia

    For a prompt: Sherlock is trying to uncover a secret mafia operation. His nightly stake-outs at the restaurant are starting to affect his waistline and John is definitely noticing... and appreciating the results. Weight gain, lots of pasta, belly appreciation and fat kink within!

  • A Growing Problem

    For a Prompt: Sherlock has started growing a little belly thanks to being cooped up in 221B with no cases on and too much holiday foodstuffs. He worries that this development may ruin his chances with John. Little does he know, a bit of winter chub may be just what the doctor ordered.

  • A Case of Beer

    For a Prompt: Sherlock and John go to a beer festival (either as part of a case or just for a day out) and Sherlock's reluctant and crabby at first but then gets swept up in it and eventually wins the Yard of Ale competition and then John has to help a very drunk Sherlock home with a very bloated belly & use his doctors skills to tend to his drunken, bloated flatmate. Belly rubs!

  • The Hollow Detective

    For a Prompt: Sherlock is literally starving, and stumbles into the flat emaciated and almost dead. John takes care of him, and that first night, feeds him. He eats barely anything, but it protrudes out of his thin frame and hurts him badly. All he wants is for John to take of him. Please note that if you do not do well with starvation or unhealthy eating habits Do not read!

  • Stuck

    For a Prompt: After his return, Sherlock has gotten fat. His large girth gets stuck in a booth at Angelo's, and he needs help to get out. Sherlock ends up eating cake after the ordeal. Weight gain, belly stuffing, and belly kinks within! :)

  • For Martin, With Love

    Prompt: Martin moves in with Douglas, and things are wonderful. Except Martin is constantly hungry because he was underfed for so long that his body just can't get enough food. Martin is embarrassed about his late night snacking. Douglas sets out to ensure Martin has enough to eat. Hunger kink, malnourished Martin, recovery, Martlas.

  • A Weighty Question

    Prompt: Sherlock realizes John always stares at heavier men, so he starts trying to put on weight, hoping John will find him more attractive? Except John's oblivious at first… he notices Sherlock eating but doesn't really notice the weight until Scotland Yard folks point it out. Once he notices he can't stop staring, and encouraging. Johnlock. belly kink, fat kink.

  • Wedding Rumbles

    CONTAINS SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR SIGN OF THREE. A sort of deleted/alternate set of scenes during John's wedding in which Sherlock confronts his hungry tummy and odd eating habits do to a curious little Archie asking the right questions. Fluffy. Deals with food, eating, some anxieties regarding that. Hunger kink.

  • Belly Painting

    For a Prompt: John suddenly feels artistic and paints on Sherlock's tummy. Both enjoy the intimacy very much, and there is much fluff and cuddles. Johnlock, belly kink, stuffed tummy.

  • Fire in His Belly

    For a Prompt by SirienneHolmes: Sherlock is more annoying than usual, snapping at everyone and making life hell for the general populace. John decides to see if a little food in Sherlock's system would help. Cue Sherlock actually liking food more than he says he does, and John deciding he'd like to help him with that. Johnlock or friendship. hunger kink

  • The Things She Does

    For a prompt: Sherlock needs Molly to look genuinely pregnant in a couple of weeks, in order to pass her off as his expecting wife for a case. His target is a murdering doctor, so padding won't do. Molly reluctantly agrees to let Sherlock feed her, when time runs out Sherlock decides to try funnel & tube. Both enjoy it very much. Sherlolly weight gain, fat kink, belly stuffing.

  • A Study in Mutualism

    Took a break from my finals to bring you this swift little prompt fill. Sherlock and John are mutually gaining and stuffing each other to their heart's content. Belly stuffing, weight gain, fat admiring, feeding kink fic.

  • Through the Stomach

    For a prompt: Molly bravely decides to pursue Mycroft's affections and decides the best way to win his heart might be through the man's stomach. She sends him every sweet she can bake. And that is not without consequence. slight weight gain, feeding, feeding up, and a bit of belly appreciation within.

  • Just a Taste

    For a Prompt: the fish meal Douglas prepared (carp!) was so delicious that Carolyn persuades him to cook more for MJN. Douglas starts experimenting and invites Martin over to taste-test his recipes. Martin is initially embarrassed by how much he eats, but Douglas only encourages him. They fall for each other over the months. Belly stuffing, feeding, moderate weight gain occurs!

  • May the Best Belly Win

    For a Prompt: Sherlock and John come upon a disagreement that can only be resolved via drinking contest. Somewhere along the way they get distracted. Belly kinkiness and overeating ensues! feederism fic and drinking within. Pre-Johnlock

  • Birthday Belly

    For a Prompt: It's Sherlock's birthday! John knows his chubby husband will be putting away plenty of birthday cake and encourages him to eat as much as he likes- but he didn't expect him to finish the whole cake. Belly stuffing, belly rubs, cute fluff.

  • Loose Ends

    For a Prompt: Sherlock's growing belly is making it harder and harder to do up his shoe laces. Weight gain and Chubby Sherlock within!

  • On Sparrows and Honeybees

    Sherlock Holmes has just solved the greatest case of his career, perhaps the greatest case the world has ever known. This leaves the consulting detective with a public image too massive for any discretion and the conviction that no other puzzle will ever prove worthy of his genius again. What's left to do but retire with his faithful Watson and watch the bees? (WEIGHT GAIN KINK)

  • Distance Makes the Stomach Grow Fonder

    For a prompt: Teenlock with Sherlock and John ready to go off to different universities. Both end up accidentally gaining while away and notice the freshman fifteen on each other when they meet up again for Christmas holidays. Weight gain, first kiss, alternate universe within.

  • 30 Days of Fatlock Challenge- Completed!

    Sherlock needs a good disguise for a case at the local fitness club. And not just any disguise. He's determined that his only convincing cover is to put on quite a bit of weight. But as the days go on, it becomes apparent that the case may not be the only reason that Sherlock is keen to experiment with gaining. Johnlock with weight gain, belly stuffing, and fat appreciation kinks.