
  • Uncharted Territory

    They enter a new phase of their relationship and it's equal parts wonderful and terrifying.

  • Burgeoning, Hopeless Romantics

    It's a simple wedding, relativity devoid of cliché. But it's no less romantic than any other.

  • Darling, What Have You Done

    Mari's gone too far this time.

  • Don't Leave Your Halloween Plans In The Hands of a Wannabe Speilberg

    It's not that the idea of visiting a haunted house on Halloween particularly appealed to him, it's just that Gilbert had managed to convince him that it would be better than sitting home all night. He should never listen to Gilbert

  • Before The Flight

    He'll fight with the resistance, he'll fight in the skies, and he'll fight with every last smile he refuses to concede.

  • The Pursuit of Lost Things

    Castiel and Lysander drift apart, but they find their way back to each other. People move past regret.

  • Just Once Plus Seven

    It's supposed to be a once off, a one night stand, but it swiftly becomes something more.

  • 1446

    1446 - The distance in kilometres between London and Warsaw.

  • Crown Jules

    Set to ascend to the throne, Princess Annalise is escorted by a knight across the kingdom, through magical forests filled with a host of strange creatures. The princess may not need a knight to protect her, but maybe she'll learn to enjoy her company ? (Nyotalia PruAus)

  • Morning After (of a different sort)

    They appreciated the impromptu engagement party, really, it was so kind of Lily to go to all the trouble of planning such a wonderful event on such short notice. But God, they have such filthy friends.

  • Bad Weather, Good Company

    Emma encounters a neighbour she barely knows walking home in the rain. Sharing an umbrella seems like the perfect way to get to know her.

  • Just Ask Your Heart

    Katyusha won't be attending the party. Though that answer may change if Elizabeta asks her.

  • Somewhere in the Stars

    Working at one of the busiest cafés in the entire solar system, Feliks meets an eclectic bunch of strangers, though no one leaves a more memorable impression than Arthur Kirkland - Captain of The Black Shuck.

  • As Thick As Thieves

    The irony isn't lost on Elizabeta that after countless risky heists; shops, pubs, and even a small art gallery at one point, it's a relatively easy target, chosen for its low risk outcome, that might just be their undoing. (SwissHun Catburglar AU)

  • Futures

    They're going to live relatively normal lives with the people they love, and after all they've been through that's just as exciting as any superhero story. (Their lives post-canon. Gotoyoshi, MariMoe, and some a small mentions of Sumi x Akira)