Little Miss Maybe

  • Sphallolalia

    (Sphallolalia: flirtatious talk that leads no where.) Ieyasu and Masamune had an understanding. (DateSana, somewhat unrequited IeMasa)

  • Cheiloproclitic

    (Cheiloproclitic: being attracted to someone's lips) Yukimura had a problem.

  • Patching Things Up

    To say that Masamune was self-conscious about his eye - or lack thereof - was a little misleading. He was certainly conscious about it, but it was more a source of pride than anything else. (Written for the prompt "kiss on the eyelid")

  • You Spin Me Right 'Round

    "For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity." - William Penn. ... Yukimura couldn't help but feel like he was always spinning. Maybe it was just restlessness. (implied DateSana)

  • Breaking

    Allen Walker could remember every time his heart had ever been broken.

  • Momentary

    It was a fact that he had never seen this man before in his life but something running far deeper, far thicker and sweeter than blood, had been triggered. And so as he looked at Yukimura with his earthly eyes and as his mind made common sense out of that nagging feeling of nostalgia, Masamune's heart seized at the intangible, the impossible. (SanaDate DateSana)

  • Only

    Yukimura had many things to learn about Masamune.

  • When waking a tiger

    ... use a long stick. Yukimura was an airhead and often oblivious to the many subtleties of human communication when people were not as straightforward as he. But despite this "naivety," as Sasuke would call it, Yukimura was by no means ignorant. Date Masamune was flirting with him and he had no idea how he should feel about it. (SanaDate, Modern AU, only 20% porn this time)

  • Blame Dante

    It's as cold as Dante's hell and Masamune doesn't feel like getting out of bed. He persuades Yukimura to see his point of view. (SanaDate, PWP)

  • Gun It

    In hindsight, Yukimura should have knocked before entering. Instead, he chooses to invade his roommate's privacy and just barge on in. At first, he doesn't understand what he is looking at: Masamune, curled up on the bed, shaking, and for a moment, Yukimura thinks he's crying. (SanaDate, Modern AU hinting at reincarnation, mostly PWP)