
  • X4 - a tale of action and romance

    Ever thought about what happened after Alcatraz? X1, X2 and X3 have all happened and this is what comes after. This is a ROGAN story that will be a slow burn but will have great adventure and angst leading to passion and love. What happens when Logan finds out that Marie isn't the girl she used to be and he needs to man up and tell her his true feelings before an omen comes true.

  • Deathly Hallows: Harmony Style

    This is a DH rewrite! Harmony main pairing. Harry finds himself finding Hermione more attractive and doesn't know how to deal with it and his search for the horcruxes. Hermione finds she is falling for Harry but how will Ron react? Ginny and Neville become close at Hogwarts and Ron finds solace in Luna! Harmony all the way! There will be angst and lemons!