

  • Rose Weasley Gives Good Advice

    Rose is the golden kid and she knows it. She's perfect Rose Weasley, so perfect, she's actually boring. It's her 7th year at Hogwarts, and all Rose wants is to keep playing therapist for her family, but Scorpius Malfoy is really determined to fuck it all up. Now she has to deal with keeping her family's secrets away from the tabloids, matchmaking to no end, and many broken hearts.

  • Running Down Red

    Rose Weasley-Ravenclaw,smart, shy, needs to be prefect, quiet, elegant, sad. Scorpius Malfoy-Ravenclaw, smart, loud, golden boy, loved, thoughtful, sad. Dominique Weasley-Grffyndor,brave, misunderstood, judged, misfit, insecure, sad. 3 sad teenagers. 2 love stories. All at 1 school.

  • Running Down Red

    Rose Weasley is perfect. She strives for perfection. She is known around Hogwarts for being an icy, cold Ravenclaw. Scorpius Malfoy is hot-headed and passionate. He can melt even the slightest bit of tension in the room with his smile. But can he melt Rose's walls? OCs included.