Lady Lynn

  • Speak to Me

    HPSS Slash, Following Fifth Year- Hogwarts is has closed for a year, and Harry is thrown in the attic, locked from the outside world, forbidden to speak. What happens when he forgets he has a voice? When school starts up again, who's going to teach him to speak

  • Experimental

    Just a short little fic I might expand. Ron confesses something to Harry that Harry's been meaning to confess to Ron. HarryRon

  • The End

    He's having a hard time accepting what's in his lover's heart. SSHP (Nothing sexual, really). One-Shot Challenge Response.

  • Chess

    Fluffy. HarryLuna, RonHermione, one shot. Harry and Luna are playing a game of chess. Well, trying to anyway.

  • Snow

    A fight on the ice causes Harry to re-evaluate his friendship, and take a new path in life. DarkDeathEater!Harry, Mean&OOC!Hermione&Ron, HPDM Slash, OotP Spoilers

  • Little Things

    Set in the Maurader's time. It's a humourous suicide fic. Finished.

  • The Frozen Duck

    Complete. Its a funny story. Duck turns into a woman... SS/Author - rated for kissing and very mild language. r/r! ^^

  • Sympathy

    FINISHED During OotP Harry is taking Occulmency again. Ron and Hermione no longer need him. What does Snape have to do with it?