

  • Holding Positions

    John wants to become rugby captain and win a scholarship. Sherlock wants to be able to dance to Tchaikovsky. They both need money. Love is in the air.

  • The Timeless Potion

    "Did you really think I was going to let Slughorn get rid of the only perfect potion I've ever made?"

  • Edelstein

    "What do you mean they are killing versions of you?"

  • Aliento de Vida

    Lily y James están casados y esperando un bebé. Están inmensamente felices, pero un día Dumbledore recibe una extraña carta y un revelador objeto. Ambos buscan salvar el futuro de seis personas que podrían perderlo todo si una decisión es mal tomada y podrían recuperar la felicidad, si se atreven a salvarse. Lily/James Sirius/Marlene AU/CANON

  • Reading into the Future

    It's Christmas in Grimmauld Place, everyone has gathered to celebrate it, but all of a sudden, a book called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince lands on Ron's head! And that's not all, it has a note from the future!