
  • A Brother Only In Blood

    It's been two years since Herc was nearly beaten to death by his brother and he still hasn't fully healed. What will the early release of Scott Hansen insure for Herc and his family? Modern AU (Warnings inside)

  • Skull and Crossbones

    As SHIELD and HYDRA scramble after the collapse, one agent decides what is more important to him and it the results change his life more than had initially expected. Jack Rollins/Brock Rumlow

  • Kingsman Version 2

    Change is a natural occurrence but one the Kingsman has elected to ignore. As the world heals from V-Day, will change occur within the Secret Service as well? Fix-it Fic; Post-Movie

  • The Asshole on Floor 4

    Joseph Oda meets Sebastian Castellanos in a rather unusual way.

  • A Rabid Animal

    Bucky finds it hard to understand why anyone would love him. Sometimes ending it all seems like a more valid option until it finally looks like he's needed. Steve/Bucky/Natasha/Sam

  • The Darkness Inside

    It's the look that gets Sam. It's the look of the Winter Soldier but it's on Bucky's face. It's on the face of his lover, partner, and friend, not a brainwashed pawn. One-shot: Warnings inside

  • Being Handy

    Sam is really regretting the all-nighter he pulled with Tony. At least someone finds his exhaustion amusing. Takes place way after CA:TWS