
  • 50 Followers Celebration Drabble Collection

    In celebration of reaching 50 followers on my writing blog, I asked for prompts so I could write a oneshot for them. Because I couldn't decide, I've written them all. Enjoy!

  • Save Me

    He's at the Castle bridge and humanoid again and can see people standing in front the castle building, looking up at the pearl hanging over the roof. He doesn't understand why they're gawking, it's just the pearl, it's always— Then it hits him and suddenly he thinks he knows what drowning is like. /Spoilers for Normal Ending 2. Suicide and self-harm mentions.

  • Bubble Baths and Girly Shower Gel

    Tension's been rising in the Albarn-Eater household and that tension's gotta be let out somehow. Rated M for a reason, basically PWP.

  • Sing Us A Song Pianoman

    Soul Eater oneshot collection, mostly from tumblr prompts and mostly SoMa. Ratings vary. Latest: 'Studying Sucks'. Maka likes to study. Soul does not. Obviously, he does his best to distract her. College AU prompt for anonymous. Very NSFW warnings.

  • Irresistible

    "He wanted to kiss her cheeks until they were rosy, wanted to kiss her temple as she dozed off curled against him, wanted to taste her skin and breath and body. He just wanted her so much, /loved/ her so much." For khaleesimaka's SoMa Valentine's Challenge on tumblr.

  • Paper Boats

    After a night of grief, Soul Evans awakens to discover that while intoxicated he managed to summon a powerful demon...to be his friend. Maka is friendly and compassionate, but there is something haunting her, something that scares and intrigues him. When a figure from Maka's past comes back for revenge, his life is turned upside. Completely. Resbang 2014 entry. Full summary inside.

  • Music We Made Together

    My fills for the 30 Day OTP Challenge featuring SoMa. Ratings are mostly T but some will go up to M.

  • SoMa NSFW Week 2014

    A collection of smut for my favourite OTP, for their nsfw week as the title suggests.

  • Susurration

    "You're an idiot," he whispered. He gulped and added, "Not for not sensing the freaking thing, but for blaming yourself."/ Maka gets injured and Soul can't stand it.

  • The (Actual) Freshman Incident

    Maka Albarn does not take flack. From anybody. Never mind some moronic juniors.

  • SoMa Week 2014

    All the prompts I've written for SoMa Week this year. Ratings may vary.

  • Like Bullets Through Glass

    "I don't want you to go," she whispers, whispering is the only thing she can do without her voice sounding like it was ripping itself apart. "But I know you can't stay." Spy AU, contains character death and is NSFW.

  • Free Choices

    Blair calls Maka out on her opinion about promiscuous people.