
  • Heartbeat

    A PiggehxMrChair story. Title says it all. Happy Valentine s Day, bros!

  • I ll Dream Of You Again

    They told him he had been in a coma for three years. Car accident. NO! He wanted to say. NO! TAKE ME BACK! But he had no idea what that couldve meant.

  • At the Verge of Death, It Is Easier to Confess

    Cinnamoncrypie - On a trip to Sweden, Pewdie, Ken and Cry s plane crashes, leaving the three friends to fend for themselves alone at sea. Between Panic attacks and fond memories, secrets are revealed.

  • Crycest - For My Entertainment

    "Huh…well I gotta say, he doesn t sing bad. And the crowd seems to love him." "Oh yes, he s a real star around here. Especially with the girls. Ridiculous, cause he prefers boys." Virus eyes scanned over Cry s face and he smirked. "What?" "Nothing I m just thinking, he would totally like you."

  • PewdieCrycest - Differences between Pain and Love

    Mad shows Pewdie his love which results in some pain for the Swede I CAN T WRITE FREAKIN SUMMARIES OKAY! PewdieCrycest Drabble. It s not Long enough for a one shot. It s a drabble. Rated T for hickeys and kisses. And mentions of sex. And because I love the Rating T. Written for an Anon on Tumblr

  • Quadrant Shots - Spades

    Gamzee finds a Karkat wandering around and decides to bring him back to his respite block to play with. Takes place during the three years on the meteor. Mild spoilers.

  • Pewdiecry Smut

    PWP so you get no summary. XP Written for a friend on dA

  • Quadrant Shots - Diamonds

    Equius x Nepeta (with some onesided KarNep) In a new universe, our favorite moirails have a feelings jam over some planning of Nepeta s new shipping wall. Minor spoilers.

  • DenNor - Christmas

    Norway just wanted to spend Christmas alone and relax. Denmark decided to pay him a visit.

  • PewdieCry drabbles

    Short drabbles filled with fluff, love and games. Pewdiepie x Cry

  • Crycest - Bullies

    I just wanted to curl up and cry my eyes out. Getting on my knees, I reached behind me, under my bed and pulled out a small box. The clang of razors greeted me and this time the tears spilled, refusing to stop. - Rated T for self harming

  • An Evening with Crycest

    Cry, Virus and Mad spend their evening together with a shitty Horror flick and each other.

  • Let s Begin Again

    Based after the Freedom Ending. (Spoilers for this particular ending) The Narrator is alone in the Office, without Stanley, without a Story, without a purpose. This can be NarratorxStanley or not. You decide.

  • Crynime: Encounter

    While Cryaotic pressed himself against the opposite wall, wondering whenever it was worth checking out the matter further or turning off the electricity and going to bed, the same voice from before rang out from his headphones. "Cry…what are you afraid of?" A chuckle followed, so familiar it sent chills down Cry s spine.

  • StanleyxNarrator - Change of Path

    The other didn t bother responding. He shifted his weight so that he was closer to Stanley s face, their breaths clashing together. He saw the slight fear and confusion in his character s eyes, dominated by a childish look of stubbornness. He chuckled.

  • Crycest - April Fools

    It s that day again, time to prank and be pranked. Mad and Virus Team up against Cry for a Little fun, but things don t end up quite as they had planned. MadxCryxVirus

  • Crycest - Jealous

    Virus isn t happy with Cry s choice of future lover. He tries to convince him that the Girl at the bar isn t the right Person for him. VirusxCry

  • Golden Moments

    Pewdiepie x Stephano drabbles. Rated T for Piggeh ;)

  • Crycest - Happy Birthday Mad!

    Mad s feeling a bit empty on his and Cry s birthday. Virus has just the right cure. MadxCryxVirus

  • Mr Chair x Piggeh - Gardening and Bathing

    What starts out as a harmless gardening session between two friends evolves into something more...XP One Shot. Warning: Suggestive yaoi. 3