
miss scheherazade

  • Inevitable

    AU. Spike is sired by Darla when Angelus would have been originally. Years later he comes across a captivating young woman, and his existence becomes decidedly more complicated.

  • Of Time Lords and Vampires

    Post 'As You Were.' In which Spike really was holding the Suvolte eggs for a friend, the Doctor is exactly who you'd expect, and useful advice is imparted. One-shot.

  • Heart or Soul

    Innocence AU. How would Spike have reacted if he'd been the souled vampire who achieved perfect happiness with Buffy? Assumes same circumstances as Angel faced in cannon but with a very different vampire. Oneshot.

  • A Rose's Thorn

    Rose hadn't intended to keep the injured vampire. It just sort of... happened. Takes place immediately after Dead Things, distant future post-Journey's End. Rose/Spike. Rating may change.

  • A Simple Regret

    "I will not deny that I behaved abominably. Everything I did that day was inexcusable, and though I cannot make up for the loss of your friend's card, I can replace it to the best of my ability." Seto Kaiba attempts to right one of his past wrongs.