

  • (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons

    "I want to experience it, whatever it is. The real thing. Love," he said. "Even if it was for a short period of time?" she asked. "Even if was the most painful thing in the world." / After not seeing Luna Lovegood for several years, Neville meets her in New York City for Christmas.

  • It Was An Accident, I Swear!

    It's his Pond's wedding night, and The Doctor decides to (probably because he forgot a gift for them in the first place) take them on a honeymoon trip through the stars to a calm alien planet. However, all doesn't exactly go to plan when the trio accidentally crashes another wedding. A certain Watson wedding. Complete with the one and only, Sherlock Holmes. (WHOLOCK CROSSOVER!)

  • The Gift of the Elves

    "Doctor, I'm not seeing anything." He looked at her in shock. "The elves, Clara Oswald. The elves are moving." She turned to look at the dolls again. And low and behold, one turned its head and looked at her. And blinked. The rest of the red suited dolls followed suit, eyes fixed on The Doctor and his companion. /Whouffle/