Hardison hears something about 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' that messes with his mind.
Eliot's covered in goo. Really.
What do parents do for dinner?
Even quenching your thirst in this century is different.
The espresso machine is broken. What are the Crane boys to do?
Tony and Pepper texting. Exactly what it says.
Edward's dying, but he gets to make one last choice. Post-Conqueror of Shamballa.
Maria makes a decision.
Tony's bored. He's figured out a way around it. Pepper's not amused.
Sam's whining, Fiona's irritated, Michael just wants breakfast.
Brain bleach might be in order. Silly!fic.
Edward wants to leave. (Alternate reality ficlet; one-shot.)
Mulder finds something that interests him. Warnings: Mentions of off screen dismemberment.
A kidnapping, a team up, and many, many problems could ensue.
Connor and Angel discuss coats. Connor doesn't get them.
Fiona wants an alternative to yogurt. Drabble.
Eliot's nightmares are keeping him up. 2nd Person POV.
It's not Tony's usual music.
They're choosing names for their next con.
Summary: Tony's high on something. Pre-movie series.