
  • Obelisk War

    The year is 2050. Humanity is under siege after several towering Obelisks erupted from the ground, unleashing an unknown enemy upon the world. Europe has fallen, Russia has gone dark, and fate of the world hangs on a thread. As humanity struggles to survive, they all have the same question. Who or what is attacking them, and why?

  • Snowball Fight

    Why does Amethyst hate the snow?

  • A Pearl in the Poppy Fields

    She tried to forget, but somethings can never be forgotten.

  • History Lesson

    Why have the Gems been keeping major moments of human history hidden from Steven. What were these events? Why do they matter? What does Steven's new friend know about these events?

  • Machines of the Strawberry Fields

    The gems were overjoyed when they found a hidden city within the ancient gem battlefield. But when Pearl returned the following day, she found it destroyed. Later when Garnet went to investigate, she found that the city had been rebuilt. What is rebuilding the city? More importantly, what is destroying it?

  • Infernal Legacy

    Three years have passed since the slaying of the False gem. With her threat now gone, other gems that had gone into hiding are reemerging. But just as things are looking up for the Crystal gems, four new warriors make themselves known to the world. Who are these warriors? What do they want? More importantly, do they pose a threat? *Sequel to History Lesson*