
  • (Untitled PokeMorph story)

    Pokemon and Trainers have slowly been disappearing without explanation. When Cody goes in search for the missing tournament winner, he gets dragged into what could change the future of the Kanto region forever. I do not own Pokemon. On hiatus. Update: Rewrite and continuation are planned.

  • Teaser oneshot

    Lance would occasionally question if Kalos would eventually turn into a region like the others he'd been to, where humans and Pokemon didn't always get along. Lately the region's Pokemon had been uneasy, as if they sensed something bad was about to happen. I do not own Pokemon.

  • Taiji Senjimon (may change)

    Luka sends me to spy on the Tigeroids against my will and won't let me get a say in it. He says I'm not going to die, but if the Tigeroids or even the other Dragonoids catch me I will. (Current summary.) Season three spoilers throughout if you know what you're looking for. I do not own Tai Chi Chasers.

  • (Another currently untitled Luka x Jahara story)

    Luka set his blue Communicator on the table. Phoebe had just called him, letting him know she and Jahara would be back soon. Jahara hadn't been feeling well lately and was a bit moody. Phoebe had gone with her to the healer's to keep her company. (Current summary.) Minor season three spoilers. I do not own Tai Chi Chasers.

  • (Currently untitled short Jakata x Phoebe oneshot)

    Recently Phoebe had been having a lot of food cravings and mood swings, which was why Luka and Jakata went on very frequent, day-long training trips to get some peace and because, honestly, what Phoebe had been cooking was getting scary. (Current summary.) Based after longer Jakata x Phoebe fanfic. Jakata x Phoebe, Luka x Jahara. I do not own Tai Chi Chasers.

  • Kaijuu no Reissa

    He continued on in silence, mentally noting his surroundings in case he had to come back this way, needing some knowledge in case his plan was to fail. (Current summary.) (Very light friendship.) I do not own Monster Racers.

  • Tremily oneshot

    Emily tossed and turned, occasionally mumbling a few words. She didn't go back into the Void, did she? (Current summary.)(Book five spoilers.) Trellis x Emily. I do not own Amulet.

  • Trellis x Emily oneshot

    Navin sat at the table, watching Trellis pace back and forth. "She's okay, Trellis. Mom isn't that worried." He didn't stop walking. "I knew elves that felt the same way Emily does and they died unexpectedly." Navin looked away, mumbling. "Human and elven sickness must be different because there is a 'cure'…." (Current -bad- summary.) Trellis x Emily. I do not own Amulet.

  • (Currently untitled)

    The park's sand began to swirl around them, blowing into their faces. Sakura got out her Key, having it grow into a larger and longer wand and got a Clow Card out. "Fly!" Wings appeared on the back of the Key, taking her and Hak high into the air. The sand followed, attacking from above. Hak clung to Sakura. "Try something else!" I do not own either fandom.

  • (Currently untitled Luka x Jahara story)

    "Jahara!" Luka peered through the dark fog around him. Where was she? She'd been there just a minute ago…. He turned around as a light shown from above. The character was an angry red-orange. The Hideous character…. Please no…. Minor season three spoilers. I do not own Tai Chi Chasers.

  • Reversal (current title)

    Attacks happen around Viridian City that leave people with a strange, deadly sickness with no cure. Ninetales is thought to be behind them because it has attacked before. It isn't until Lysandre's father gets attacked that he gets involved, only to find out there's more behind the attacks revolving around Mirei, a girl with strange abilities. (Current summary.) I do not own Pokemon

  • Jakata x Phoebe oneshot

    Jakata comes back, but in a very sick and weakened state. He disappears overnight, and as Phoebe tries to find him he kidnaps her and won't let anyone rescue her. Major last thirteen episode spoilers. Jakata x Phoebe, some Luka x Jahara. I do not own Tai Chi Chasers.