
  • A Fresh Start (Match: The Society Web Series)

    A woman from an ancient war-torn country wakes up in a strange place after she allows herself to be killed by a soldier in battle.

  • Return of the Samurai

    One year after Jack vanished from his original timeline, most people believed that he perished in the battle with Aku except for Kimiko, a princess who befriended Jack when they were children. In an attempt to prevent her from spreading hope to the people, Aku sends her to Jack's future timeline, where he must now find a way for both of them to get back.

  • Making Progress (Match: Lies Web Series)

    The line between doctor and patient has been blurred after Serenity's little sister posed as her on the phone and convinced her therapist to go out with her on a date. Now, both sisters have been brought into Dr. Caduto's office for a very awkward therapy session.