
  • My Candy Princess

    Huey Freeman doesn't eat sweets. Why? Because he can't. He can't tolerate sugar…at all. When's the last time you ever seen him consume an ounce of sugar anyway? Exactly. "Do you want some of my ice cream Huey?" Jazmine asked with a grin. Huey rolled his eyes. She was teasing him.

  • The Joonies: A Boondocks Story

    Based off the hit adult swim show, The Boondocks. The Freemans meet their dopplegangers! Bri Porter, Tammy Porter, and Grandma meet their newest subjects. May drama unfold? (OCs) pic for cover is Bri Porter ;)

  • Warrior Wisecracks!

    A collection of short one-shots about the courageous-hilariously fantastic warriors we all know and love! More of a drabble series, laugh and giggle at their silly moments!

  • Withstanding the Blame

    What happens when Riley gets framed for something he actually didn't commit, and then finds out, he's not the only one? Can he handle this on his own, or will he bring his friends down with him?

  • A Boondocking Hunger Games

    What happens when Huey, Riley, and Jazmine get sucked into Huey's book..The Hunger Games? Will the odds be in their favors?