
  • Pure Perfection

    The art of dancing. Written for table/prompt: Around the clock / # 5:00 contemporary on livejournal.

  • Passing the Pom Poms

    There will always be a generational change eventually. Prompt 'generational'.

  • Spellbound by You

    Max has a certain effect on Anne. Prompt was 'fascination'. Written for drabbletag on lj.

  • Where Did We Begin

    Rachel wonders where she and Quinn did begin. Prompt "lunchtime".

  • The Lioness and The Deer

    Cersei's grief needs an outlet. Written for drabbletag on lj, prompt was 'grief'. Warnings: Non-Con; implies rape; age difference; bondage

  • Not all her Way

    May offers to teach Skye a thing or two. Written for drabbletag on lj, prompt was 'learning'.

  • Long Way to Happy

    When the dust of battle settles we finally see what's right in front of us. Notes: Takes place after 1x22 "Beginning of the End". Prompt "blankets". Drabbletag round 5 on livejournal.

  • Rock You Like a Hurricane

    Their relationship is like a hurricane. Prompt was 'hurricane'. Written for drabbletag on lj.

  • Glitter in the Air

    The morning after Quinn found out why college girls do experiment. Table/Prompt: Around the clock / 7:00 – awakened on livejournal. P!nk's song "Glitter in the Air" inspired me hence the title.

  • Love is a Bitch

    Gossip Girl knows the real reason why Serena left NY for the summer. Written for challenge #224 Flight at livejournal. Written from Gossip Girls POV. Relates to episode 3x01.

  • First Memento

    Where a new journey begins mementos are being made. Written for table/prompt: Around the clock/ 09:00 - "planned" on livejournal.

  • Bittersweet

    written for challenge #401 on livejournal. The prompt was 'popular'. Hayley is a popular girl, but there's only one she truly wants.

  • Two Little Words

    Written for challenge #401 close at livejournal. A decisive moment. Femslash.

  • Fabrics & Materials

    Written for the "Let's make out" ficathon on livejournal. The prompt was 'carpet'.

  • Second Chances

    Written for the "Let's make out" ficathon on livejournal. The prompt was 'bullet wound'. femslash.

  • Forbidden Fruit

    Written for the porn battle on livejournal. Charlie is freezing and Nora helps her to warm up.

  • Shattered Soul

    Written for challenge #396 unbreakable at femslash100 on lj. Is Sarah's spirit broken or unbreakable?