Dr. DT

  • With You I'm Home (One Shot)

    While staying with Buster, Porsha has a nightmare about her father. To which Buster take it upon himself to comfort her. A found family one shot with feels, tender moments and a little comedy.

  • Spyro, Cynder and DT: Story2

    In this continuation of Meet DT the five friends go through the adventures of comedy and romance once again! DT is starting on his Helicopter as Spyro and Cynder's love for one another increases.

  • Spyro and Cynder: Meet DT

    After defeating Malefor and saved the world Spyro and Cynder were at Warfang and telling other dragons how they saved the world. In a galexy not too far away lived Me,John and my E.T. friend Steve. We were testing a time traveling plane when disaster strikes,the plane's engine burst into flames and shreds it self apart. What shall happen two the three? T: for Slight mature Content:

  • Spyro and Cynder, Meet DT (Series Finale, One Shot)

    In this final story of the wonderful series by yours truly, DT and Friends have been in the dragon realms for many months, they start to feel home sick. They wanted to go home, little did they know that was soon to come.

  • Spyro and Cynder: Bunny Buddy (Completed)

    It has been a week since Cynder's illness. She ends up having to eat a plant that makes her burp. Well, this makes her uncomfortable in the mornings. So she wakes up early and goes for a walk. One particular morning. She came across a bunny without a parent for insight. What will she do with it?

  • Spyro, Cynder and DT: Cynder's sudden cyickness

    On their way to Warfang, Cynder suddenly falls ill and is put in bed rest until she can recover. However, her condition only worsens. Spyro and Sparx are concerned, yet unsure of what to do. When D.T. develops a plan to end her strife. Will his plan unfold, or will Cynder's time run out?

  • Spyro and Cynder: The Chopper

    As DT and the others return to the Temple, they decide to continue on their Helicopter. They are about done with it, they need to add the blades and carve out more details. On the other hand... Spyro and Cynder go out on dates and walks in the woods. They even crawl their way into to wreckage of the TTP. O

  • Spyro, Cynder and DT: Teenage Dragons

    When Spyro and Cynder have mood swings they decide to ask Volteer. He not only tells them about mood swings, he shows them the whole enchilada. Whilst telling the two about aging dragons. DT, John and Steve wander through out the temple. Even if it gets the trio into trouble.